Alumni Meetup Sweden
Dear Alumni of Charles University,
on behalf of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Stockholm and the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS), we cordially invite you to the second Alumni Meetup in Sweden.
It will be an informal meeting and it will take place on Thursday, 23 March 2023 from 5:30 PM CET at the Czech Embassy in Stockholm, Villagatan 21.
RSVP by writing to the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Stockholm at
As the number of tickets is limited, do not hesitate to register. Registration is still possible.
In work life, medicine means the most to me
Group of Hospitals in Germany Opens up for Our Students
Over the past year, our cooperation with a group of hospitals in Lower Saxony (Schwester Euthymia Stiftung) has progressed significantly. The partnership was celebrated in Vechta on June 10, 2022, with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding enabling our students to do clinical rotations in Schwester Euthymia Stiftung’s hospitals, among others. The Memorandum also supports staff exchange and collaboration in research and publications.
Dentistry in the Czech Republic. How are we doing?
Despite the high quality of Czech dentists, we have in comparison with some developed countries a higher level of dental carries in both children and adults. It is due mainly to insufficient prevention. Prof. MUDr. René Foltán, Ph.D. points out that we do not actually know the state of dental health of the Czech population. ‘Statements in the media about dental care improving are in fact just guesses.
In geriatrics, we are at the very roots of medicine
Prof. MUDr. Eva Topinková, CSc., who had recently received the František Běhounek Prize for promotion and popularisation of Czech science in the European research area (ERA), has been at the helm of the Department of Geriatrics of the First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague since 2001. She emphasises that geriatrics is an immensely broad area with many so far unexplored corners, which includes topics ranging from epidemiology and preventive programmes of public healthcare though clinical practice all the way to experimental biogerontology.
Introducing the Research Team of Professor Petra Lišková
Cooperatio or The Way to a More Efficient Support of Science
On 1 January 2022 was launched a new system of support of scientific work at the Charles University. Preparations for a systematic and meaningful participation in this programme have been, however, underway at the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University for a year. What does this new conception of basic financing of institutional science at the Charles University amount to? Who will be included and why did the system change?
‘Tomorrow is today.’ I don’t like putting things off.
Since November 2021, the First Faculty has a new secretary, Ing. Tereza Lukášová, who previously worked on management of IT projects. She has always been attracted to management of healthcare. Now she will dedicate her time to the management of the First Faculty’s economy and financing, as well as internal management and operation of the Office of the Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine. Changes are yet to come but already now, she sees space for improvement. She says her first impression of the First Faculty of Medicine is one of great dedication of the people in management, which, as she notes, is an excellent foundation for development of any organisation.
Fragmentation of the Academic Senate Is Not Good News for the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University
Academic senates were as an integral part of autonomous universities re-established after 1989, at a time when the state and its political authorities stopped deciding about which direction faculties should take.
The team of doc. RNDr. Marie Hubálek Kalbáčová, Ph.D.
It is wonderful to contribute to the sea of knowledge with one´s own work
Despite the current demanding circumstances, 109 young scientists had registered their work to this year’s 22nd year of the Students’ Science Conference of the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University. Both under- and postgraduate students, with their supervisors’ support, competed in categories lecture and poster and the audience, too, could in a poll elect the best work by a student.
Lecture by professor H. G. KRÄUSSLICH
Invitation to lectures - prof. Duncana Matthews of Queen Mary University of London.
Invitation to lectures focused on highly current issues of covid vaccine development and editing of the human genome in the context of intellectual property of a recognized expert prof. Duncana Matthews of Queen Mary University of London.
The lectures take place on 15 and 16 September 2021 on the Hybernská Campus in Prague.
A study has confirmed the importance of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-6
We would not want to do anything but medicine
How is science evaluated and supported at the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University?
The faculty had recently sent off a number of evaluative reports. In some, it evaluated itself, in others it compared itself with other Czech or international institutions. Science at the First Faculty was evaluated by scientists themselves, international experts, and Czech administrative staff. Interpretation of evaluation of science is rather complex, so we want to share at least a simplified outline about how the First Faculty is doing in terms of science, what challenges its experts face, and it what ways it plans to support their research in the future.
Professor Bleyer has contributed to numerous discoveries made at the First Faculty of Medicine
When exactly comes the moment of death? An international study brings the answer
‘From the perspective of biology, death is a process. From a legal and ethical perspective, however, death cannot be considered a process, which is why there is a sort of social contract to consider death a moment in time,’ says MUDr. MgA. Kateřina Rusinová, Ph.D., head of the Department of Palliative Medicine of the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and General University Hospital.
When you find something inconvenient, change it!
I met with Marek Havrda immediately after he received from the hands of dean of the First Faculty of Medicine and a representative of student associations a check for over 58,000 CZK, which students – with the faculty’s support – managed to raise thanks to several benefit events. The money was raised to support the Medics in the Streets association. From Marek’s reactions, I felt the experiences of a student who, during the demanding studies to become a physician, also works at another three healthcare and/or social care clinics. He believes in active approach to studies and his motto is ‘When you find something inconvenient, change it’.
Doctors in Motol Hospital for the first time use a 3D microscope to remove a benign ear tumour
(Prague, 12 February 2021) A 70-years-old patient was operated at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and Motol University Hospital. It was a complicated operation of a vestibular schwannoma in which the doctors for the very first time in the Czech Republic used a digital microscope with 3D imaging.
The Popularity of Our Faculty Among International Students Is Steadily Increasing
Mission and Vision of the International School of Medicine and Dentistry
The First Medical Faculty of Charles University should be synonymous with excellence – its’ employees and graduates sought out, worldwide, for employment and research collaboration. Our International Schools of Medicine and Dentistry should be recognised for producing the highest quality of doctors, dentists, and researchers, able to work in every field of medicine, across the four corners of our globe. Our international graduates will not only take with them their medical prowess, but also their knowledge and experience of Czech history and culture, propagating this around the world.
I Have Never Regretted My Decision
He appreciates positive attitude, hard work, and kindness. These are personal qualities he had a chance to encounter during the COVID-19 pandemic, when he in effect nonstop headed a coordination team of our volunteer students who spontaneously created the Dobro1lf initiative to fight coronacrisis on all fronts. He does not like people being late, although he admits that his academic quarter-hour sometimes stretches a little longer :-) This is David Kulišiak, student of sixth year of general medicine, lector of anatomy instruction and vice-president of the Academic Senate of the First Faculty of Medicine.
Introducing Professor Jana Dušková’s Research Team
Development of the First Faculty of Medicine is Strategic But Also Atempora
In our day and age, when almost all attention focuses on one single subject, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, the notion of speaking about our faculty’s development may seem inappropriate. Readers may well ask why this issue is not dedicated solely to the current situation linked to the new type of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. I will try to address this concern using one concrete and timely example. When the programme of the BIOCEV project was being developed, our faculty was the only one to include in the proposal a laboratory for work with highly contagious agents. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, BIOCEV was one of the first academic institutions to participate in patient testing. It was able to increase the much-needed testing capacity by several hundred samples a day. Without a lab for work with highly contagious material, where preparation of the biological material could take place, BIOCEV, despite the excellent facilities of all its other laboratories, would not have been able to get involved in the testing.
1LFUK English Parallel Dental Graduate feedback report
Jednička in science
Introducing scientific group of Professor Zdeněk Fišar
The First Faculty Works on Improving the Quality of Teaching ... With the Help of Its Alumni
It is well known that medical competencies include three main areas: theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and communication abilities. Especially the second but in a sense also the third item were the main subject of discussions with our Faculty’s alumni.
We Teach Non-Physicians to Better Understand Each Other
Interwiew with MUDr. Yvona Angerová, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
From scientific to personal discovery
In 2007 I visited Prague for the first time, coming to participate in a conference in which Prof. Aleksi Sedo and I were organizing a symposium session. Although we had worked together on a review article several years prior to the symposium, all our communication had been through a vast number of e-mails. We had not actually met before and at our first meeting and over the following week, a bond was formed.
What Jednička means to me?
Interwiew with MUDr. Martin Holcát, Deputy Director of University Hospital Motol, Institute of Public Health and Medical Law
Open Day 2020
Are you interested in studying at the Charles University First Faculty of Medicine? Would you like to see how our instituses look like?
What Jednička means to me
Interview with Professor Pavel Dungl, Head emeritus of the Orthopaedic Depatrment of Na Bulovce hospital.
Jednička in science
Introducing Professor Karel Šonka's scientific group
In the microworld, even apparently ugly things can be beautiful
Mgr. Viktor Sýkora, head of the Centre for Experimental Biomodels, linked his relationship to science and nature to his hobby - photography.
For the First Faculty of Medicine, he created already the second charity calendar whose aim is to support non-profit organisations.
The healing power of music: How it works in the brain
Book about the Faculty
„It was my dream to study medicine at Charles University“
This year, a record number of students enrolled for our study programmes in English (General Medicine and Dentistry). They come from all over the world (41 different nations), and although this may be their first extended stay away from home, they have already begun forming new connections and cherishing lifelong memories.
Scientific team of Ondřej Havránek
Introducing the scientific team of Ondřej Havránek from Biocev
We All Want to Be Number One
A record number of 170 works by under- and postgraduate students not only from our faculty were registered in this year’s 20th Student Science Conference.
Number One in the World
One of t
he key elements of success nowadays are international relations. Our Faculty is fully aware of this and builds its international relations on the basic principles of openness, collaboration, and international prestige.
What Number One Means to Me?
Interview with Professor Karel Pavelka, Head of the Rheumatology Department
Number One in science
We Introduce doc. Tomáš Honzík’s Science Group - The research team of Laboratory for the Study of Mitochondrial Disorders
Metastasising as a goal of therapy?
In research, we have a strategic advantage the rest of the world! Several research groups from our faculty already study this area, and that was used in the formation of a unique Centre of Tumour Ecology.
Number One and Dates Ending With Number 8
History of the Czech nation has a peculiar relation to dates ending with number eight. Such symbolic dates are found also in the history of our faculty.
Alumni wedding!
Své ano si v Anatomickém ústavu řekli absolventi naší fakulty, kteří aktuálně žijí a pracují ve
Švédsku – Kristýna Špillerová a Tom Johannes Johansson.
26th concert from the cycle „Faculty in the Heart of Karlov“
We would like to invite you to 26th concert from the cycle „Faculty in the Heart of Karlov“ which will take place this time on November 1, 2017, in the Church St. Apollinaire, Apolinářská street, Prague 2, at 20:0 p.m.
Jednicka na startu
We would like to invite you to our event, „Jednicka na startu“. It will take place on Friday 13 October 2017 at the Apolinar Obstetrics & Gynaecology Clinic from 1PM to 6PM. Although this is a traditional event to celebrate the beginning of the new academic year, this year it has an entirely new concept. It is going to be an amazing afternoon with a very interesting program and many activities (music, refreshments, student associations, sports). Furthermore, come and join us for the launch of the new Charity Calendar 2018 . The Charity Calendar is the project of 1. LF associations. All proceeds will be donated for a good cause, to support the Cesta domů, Palliative Care for Children.
Looking forward to seeing you there! -
The International Myeloma Society (IMS) is a professional, scientific and medical society established to bring together clinical and experimental scientists involved in the study of myeloma. The IMS accomplishes its mission by providing educational forums in the form of conferences, symposia, and workshops conducted around the globe.
1. LF UK Alumni Meeting
You can enjoy visit of the clinic and the legendary underground under Kateřinská Garden! There will also be tasty refreshments, great wine and coee with your own portrait :-)
Pasteur Paris University International Doctoral Program 2018
The deadline for candidates to contact laboratories of interest is November 2, and the deadline for the application (to be prepared together with the laboratory) is November 13, 2017. See the above website for the application procedure.
What the First Faculty Means to Me
Prof. Ondřej Šeda, head of the Institute of Biology and Medical Genetics, First Faculty of Medicine
We would like to invite you to 25th concert from the cycle „Faculty in the Heart of Karlov“ which will take place this time on May 4, 2017, in the church Nanebevzetí Panny Marie a sv. Karla Velikého, Ke Karlovu street, Prague 2, at 19:30 p.m.
55th Polish and 13th International Conference Juvenes Pro Medicina
It is our pleasure to announce the 55th Polish and 13th International Conference Juvenes Pro Medicina, which will take place on 22-23 April 2016 in Lodz, Poland. Please visit our website ( and join our facebook event ( for more information. The deadline for abstract submission is 27th of March.
Prague 1337, the first successful caesarean section
The caesarean section is currently the most common obstetric operation used to facilitate childbirth. It is also probably the most frequent abdominal operation overall. In some countries, every fourth or even third child comes into the world through caesarean section [1]. Though routine today, however, this surgical procedure has a very long and quite dramatic history, accompanied by many myths and rumors. ( By Assoc. Antonín Pařízek)
Conference on Nucleic Acids and Immunity
This conference on Nucleic Acids and Immunity is the second of a series of three, funded by the EU under Framework 7, which will focus on build a synergistic relationship between researchers in these two areas. The epitranscriptome is a new emerging field of research.
LERU Doctoral Summer School, 9-14 July 2017, University of Zurich
Citizen science – nexus between research and public engagement Theme Citizen science – the involvement of non-professional scientists in research – is generating broad attention across and beyond the scientific community.
The BIOCEV Scientific Research Centre comes into operation. Up to 600 scientists and students to work there
A unique vaccine to treat infectious diseases, the first ever research into development of the tooth that can help to fight against cancer, or the revolutionary discovery of “power plant cells” – an organism without mitochondria… These are some of the results of scientific teams at the BIOCEV centre. Today, at presence of national political representatives and prominent guests representing the Czech as well as international world of science, the centre officially came into full operation.
2nd Gala Reunion of the Alumni Club
We invite you to the 2nd Gala Reunion of the Alumni Club, which will be held at the premises of the Czech Republic Police Museum (Ke Karlovu 1, Prague 2) on 10th September 2016.
Švandovo divadlo in April
Švandovo theater invites the members of ALUMNI club of the First Faculty of Medicine to its April dramas: „The Land of Indifference“, „Metamorphosis“ or „Misanthrope“.
McMaaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine
The 2 nd McMaaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM 2016) will take place in Krakow, Poland on May 6th–7th. The program of this course will be filled with a number of lectures given by an outstanding assembly of 30 speakers – world-renowned experts in their fields. Detailed information on the course and its program is available on the website.
12th International Congress of Cell Biology
We cordially invite you to the 12th International Congress of Cell Biology. The Congress, held under the auspices of the International Federation for Cell Biology (IFCB) will take place at the Prague Congress Centre from 21st July to 25th July 2016. Students and employees of the First Faculty of Medicine in Prague can apply for the discount of € 10 from the congress registration fee. More